Tuesday, June 8, 2010

more than enough.

seeing my dad's and mum's smile.
seeing my little sis's talking.
hugging my dad, mum and little sis goodbye.
got a kiss from mummy on the cheek.

i am blessed to have a great great family.
missing elder sis and lil bro like mad, but i know, soon after my exam, i can run all the way home, hug all the 5 lovely people real tight in my arms.

was feeling something missing in my life, a missing piece that i can't describe.
well, just a moment ago, seeing my family, i think, that's enough for the time being.
not gonna ask for more for the time being.
not gonna TTMS for the time being.
we can't be too greedy in life, can we?

well, the missing piece, i shall catch up with the searching when i am done with the coming exam.

for the exam, i spend more time at the library than at home, i chose to stay at KL instead of going home. hope the sacrifice does pay off well~~

great dinner with my family and happy to have jul jul tagged along.
that's enough to keep me smiling for a couple of days before the revision kills me AGAIN.

enough of blog-ing.
the nerd needs to go.

love, katherine.

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