this is supposed to be posted like 2 or 3 nights ago, but i left it as a draft and's a belated post.
few days back, i had my dinner with kheng yoke, alvin and carmen a.k.a zili at secret recipe.
oh yes, something interesting happened! my food! i found a HAIR in my thai fried rice!
aha! A HAIR!
it's super disgusting and the thought of me finishing half of the rice is freaking me out!
eeeeeek! i need to forget everything about the hair.
anyway, i got a few nice pictures of food to show! it was really blur of me not taking any picture of the cakes we had. what a pity. sigh.
my tomyam fried rice that surprised me. looks very nice, rite?
i just learnt something, before we eat anything, we have to make sure that the food is HYGIENIC by making a mess of it, checking every grain of rice. haha. lame!ok. i forgot what it is. will check it out next time and according to alvin, it's yummy. i shall try. full stop.
spring rolls at secret recipe?! oh yeah. it delicious! though it's small, only bout the size of my thumb.
after our dinner, we went for kay-vin hunting. we tried our luck at his friend's house before our dinner and we went to ADP's library after our dinner.
(ADP stands for American Degree Transfer Program.)
i don't really know how tall ADP building is, but level 11 at is definitely a MUST place to go. it has spectacular night scenery! i heart that scenery though i'm afraid of the height. it's a breath-taking i have to say.
went home to grab some notes and i went to starbucks with kheng yoke. pui munn joined us with her laptop. x)
couldn't really concentrate on the revision for an obvious reason: 'we're too busy taking pictures'.
we're enjoying ourselves disturbing pui munn chatting with girlfriend.
pui munn's girlfriend is so going to straggle you, kheng yoke. xp
got a super artistic picture with my cacat hand phone. not bad, huh?
anyway, we did do a little bit, very very little bit of revision.
went to a mamak stall after starbucks for teh tarik, had no reason for that. i didn't really know what's wrong with me, hanging out till it's nearly 3 in the morning. that's not very me, not katherine's style, blah blah blah. anyway, i had great fun! enjoyed myself chatting with kheng yoke and pui munn. distress is just an excuse allowing myself to do all those crazy stuff. herm let's think about it, maybe it's the bitch inside me that makes me wanna play bad-girl role.
guess what happened then. i was locked outside of my house! haha! what a joke! there's this very CUTE rule in the house that i'm staying in subang jaya. the rule is written on a piece of paper, pasted on the door. here is the rule: 'If you're not able to be at home before 10, please kindly write you name on the piece of paper below to gain entrance. If you fail to do so, the door will be locked till the next morning'.
since i know the rule CLEARLY, i wrote my name before i went to startbucks. well, it seemed like the rule is not working even if i follow. i didn't call my housemate as it's really late and she had an exam to run. i had no where else to go and i ended up staying in kheng yoke's room. i swear, I SWEAR that this is not going to happen AGAIN. THERE WOULD BE NO SECOND-TIME FROM ME, staying out after 12 in subang jaya. it's a crazy night, a memorable one and i don't hate it. lol.
that's all from me bout a wild night at subang jaya.
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