Saturday, April 19, 2008

it's a sad saturday.

would be going back to subang jaya tomorrow afternoon. sigh. i hate this!
holidays are never enough! argh!

i'm so going to miss my family and friends. have been spending too much time with them and it's the moments we share that i can't let go. i start missing my family and friends even though i'm still in muar. yea, i'm now very emo, so what?

not going to blog till the mood is back. i'm not bringing my laptop back to subang, which means i won't be going online that often and maybe i won't be going online at all.

i'm going to live a life without my laptop for a week and i think i will still do well.I THINK. bless me. hopefully i can survive. once again, bless me.

so don't wanna go back to subang jaya!!!!
the colour of today: GREY!

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