I was back in Muar for a semester break!
I miss everyone and everything in Muar and I'm really glad that i spent my 2 weeks with all the amazing and lovely ppl around me.
The sad part of my triumphant homecoming is, I have became a fatty little girl.
Imagine that my family feeding me with all the lip-smacking, scummy and yummy food without limit. Moreover, I can't resist the charm of food~
Beside the eating part of my holidays, I spent most of my time with my mummy darl.
Notice the word 'wet'.
Believe me that the market is really wet and so slippery that anyone could fall.
Not forgetting the stink of the market. The perfect spot (wet market) of getting everyone suffocates.
Anyway, I still enjoy the moment spending with my mum.
I'm not a fashion diva but i really adores clothes.
That's right, I did quite a lot of shopping for the past 2 weeks.
Buying new clothes sends adrenaline down my spine!
I can never ever defy the attraction of clothes.
No partying or no hanging around with friends or no chit-chatting till the wee small hours?
Definitely not!
It was a great party, Tina!
Thanks gals for the enduring memories we share together.
I cherish all the wild moments we spend together!
Well, I just learnt that amazing ppl are those who dare to love and share from my family and friends.
They surround me with their laughter and smiles.
Thanks to all of you!
more more more!!! how come all ur mum's cooking one? show me more of muar's famous delicacies! hur hur!!
why always picture of food ehh??
no wonder u cannot wear the jeans edi.
love ya.
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