Tuesday, September 14, 2010

miss home.

never did i feel this bad before.

i have a picture of myself, following mummy here and there, like little ducklings following there mum.
doing nothing, just happily seeing mummy doing whatever she's busy with.

i have another picture of myself, lying on my lovely bed, reading my favourite book, with my lil brother playing 'left-4-dead' at the side, and lil sis fb-ing in her room next door.
ahh~ pure pleasure.

i have one more picture, of myself, sitting at the living hall, with daddy besides me, watching channel 5 together. me answering daddy's silly questions of what the actor/actress's doing, why is this guy/lady fighting against a group of bad guys, and how did that hero/heroin battles without getting any injury.

not forgetting carlyn the great. miss her like crazy. and it's crazier having to wait for another 5 months or more to see her again. eff you distance and time difference.


am currently alone at vista komanwel b.
i abhor being alone.
it's scary. =(

looking forward to saturday when mummy will come kl again.

love, katherine.

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