Sunday, January 24, 2010


6.00 a.m. get my butt out of the bed to send alain off to airport. @.@
7.15 a.m. meet up with ex-pbl mates for clinical visit. =.=
8.30 a.m. start taking patient's history at cheras baru clinic. 0.0
10.30 a.m. rush back to imu for the interview with Dr. Vera regarding the wellness report. =(
...lunch at dunno-what time...=D
1.30 p.m. 1st lecture ^-^
2.30 p.m. 2nd lecture *-*
4.00 p.m. at the library T.T
7.00 p.m. dinner with college mates! =)

katherine has got herself a fruitful and nicely arranged monday.

love, katherine.

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