Friday, August 14, 2009

singing the happy song!

great great day! have got my internet set up at bukit jalil!
yes! it's like FINALLY!
mee tek, my housemate is AWESOME and he said the word 'brilliant' will suit him more. what the..
he fixed the modem and router up like eating a piece of cake! O.O

was cleaning and tidying the house with becky~
the house is now so clean that i feel like screaming for no reason!
so happy, so high that i can't sleep now~

growing fungi on the bread!
so crazy that i am keeping it and even crazier that i get quite excited looking at the fungi.
call me nut and thanks to microbiology for that.
not being sarcastic bout microbiology as i sincerely think that it's an interesting region to explore.

have not been taking much pictures as i just lost the camera's charger. =(
miss taking pictures sooooooo....

gasp! i am using 'so' so many times that i find it weird for no reason. aha. katherine's mind is currently losing control. breaking free babe!

ok. done crapping.


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