uni life is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
so much fun, joy and laughter.
have been doing a real lot of running and the result of it, i have my whole body aching here and there like an old lady.
oh yes oh yes, the happiest thing of all is that i manage to lose some weight due to all the activities. yohoo~
gosh. seniors at IMU are real FUN!
the orientation has been GREAT!!!!!
2 thumbs for the orientation!
we had loads of crazy games and more crazes are coming!!!!
2 weeks of orientation~ wonderful!!!!!
great people at IMU and i am really really blessed to have met them. =)
have been really busy. very very busy.
just got home today and am going back in the evening.
missing my family and friends a real lot!!!!!!!
*big BIG hugs to all of them*
i chose this way and am clear that i am not going to look back.
just got to keep getting better and keep moving forward.
thanks to my family and friends who have been standing beside me, supporting me, listening to me when i was insecure before uni started.
i must had been a real pain. ><
will do my best in return. promise.
i miss blogging so much, but, there's nth that i can do to help as i have NO INTERNET CONNECTION at Bukit Jalil.
wanted to apply for one but but but, long story.
have not been posting up any picture.
so~ here goes~all my favorites~
2 for the time being.
got to go~