Thursday, March 13, 2014

Letter to a teacher

Dear Miss T,

Hi teacher, I hope you are keeping well. I can't remember when was the last time I saw you since primary school reunion for the first time and last time years and years back, but I believe you are grand.

This is me, after so many years of studying, finally finished my medical degree in July. This morning, I woke up with a picture of what you said in my mind out of no reason, this explains me writing this letter at least.

This fragment of memory surprised me, it happened 7 years ago. The picture goes: 'What? YOU are also wanting to do medicine? Just like my-favourite-student?'

Yes and no, teacher. Yes, I want to do medicine, but NO, not like your-favourite-student, it's just me, myself, not like anyone else, want to do medicine.

There's a potential in everybody I believe. I don't think it was fair to judge anybody, regardless of who you are. I may not be as bright as your-favourite-student, but I try my best to achieve what I deserve, to work towards my goal as myself. By comparing and ranking anybody is not going to be a positive reinforcement, I believe. To encourage and inspire would be a whole different story though, would you agree?

My story for the past 7 years is simple. Since I started doing pre-medical course and the actual medical course, teacher, I make sure I pass all my exams, which I did; and I make sure I keep moving to the next step, which I did. I did not perform as the best student in any stage, but I tried to be at my very best. I am glad that I made my family and friends proud, and I hope you feel the same way too. I am not just like your-favourite-student, because I am more than that.

I hope you see every student as a star, not seeing them based on the grades on pieces of papers, because that is not all about a person. Being a teacher is a joy, I learned that from my sister who has been teaching for 2 years, telling how much potentials everyone has, and what they need is encouragement and guidance to shine.

I hope every student is your-favourite-student and I wish there longer be no comparison among all your students. Everyone deserve to be viewed as a special and unique individual, and no one should be belittled by a teacher, not when they have dreams and very own point of view.

I wish one day somehow when you read this letter, you will understand, I am not speaking for myself, but for every other student that, everyone is special and this is beyond comparison.

Yours sincerely, 

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