Tuesday, April 8, 2008

i need more time.

katherine needs more than 24 hours in a day, and this situation only happens during holidays!

katherine will tell you why.

  • i have too little time to spend with my family.

  • i have too little time to tell my mum about everything that happened when i was in subang jaya, battling my trial.

  • i have too little time to hang out with my friends.

  • i have too little time for exercises.

  • i have too little time to blog.

  • i have too little time to SLEEP!

i'm lack of sleep! and i think i'm going to become a panda in short while. sobz.

i have been telling myself to really enjoy myself for a week and the 2nd week of my holidays would be my study week.

hey hey. my holidays are not supposed to be JUST holidays, i mean i shouldn't be spending my 2 weeks having too much fun, relaxing myself like there's no tomorrow. it's supposed to a study week too, rit? so, katherine, you need to make it clear

let's start off with Friday, the first day and the very beginning of my holidays. i will try to make everything short and simple, or else, it's going to be more than an essay and i shall prevent this post from becoming a short story.


had dinner with my family and there's something that i really need to tell my maid.

'well done, Rennie! your cooking has improved!'

later, i went out with my parents to buy kheng yoke a birthday cake. oh yes, her birthday is on Saturday and i'm greedy enough, hoping to be the 1st to wish her a happy sweet 18th!
alvin gave the idea of going to her house with a cake in our hands, singing her a birthday song and sort of hanging around in her house. good idea! yee kiat was there too, looking smart in esprit's top and jeans, i have pictures to prove that.

it's a long story from the very starting till the end of how we celebrated kheng yoke's birthday, so i will let the pictures do the saying. (i'm too lazy to uplaod all the pics and i will just show the pictures that i like the most)

we had great fun, great laugh, great time!

the birthday girl! yeah! you are finally 18!

try to act cute while we can still be cute. lol. no harm being cute! xp

a big love from the guys.

and a smaller love from the girls.

it's the 4 of us. yee kiat, kheng yoke, alvin and kath.

it's alvin and the chipmunk! opps. correction: it's alvin and yee kiat.

the girls want to be chipmunks too~

more than happy to be taller than the guys for..erm..a few seconds.

we play wild, you see?

anyway, may all your wishes come true, dear!

i was so tired. i couldn't wake up to catch a breakfast with my daddy kin and mummy darl. sobz.
i had my lunch and the only one that came into my mind was my baby girl! miss her so much! i can't help myself but to rush to my god ma's house and spend the rest of my time with that little one.
baby girl learning how to write at the age of 2.

she's learning hard.

en en is way too cute!

night is when the cats start going wild, and the time when pohpehs got to meet (does it make sense, pohpehs? nono? yes yes?). fat fat, tina, jia jia and i decided to meet at pp cafe. we had a really nice chat, a really good one! we smiled, we laughed, we went crazy! gosh! i miss them! i was really happy that we got to share our lives after going on different paths.

katherine can never live without friends, this i admit.

from left to right: fat fat, tina, kath and jia jia. half of jia's face gone. =(

love you all lots! ^*^


yeah! i got to wake up kind of early. had my breakfast with my family for the 1st round and friends for the second round! *jumping here and there in triumph*

i'm so used to having my breakfast with my family/friends; i'm so used to having someone beside me when i sleep; i'm so used to lying on my mummy's lap reading and watching television programme; i'm so used to asking my daddy lots of stupid questions just to see him getting annoyed; i'm so used to arguing with my little brother, trying my best to make a fool out of him; i'm so used to chatting with carlyn for the whole day and never went out of topics, etc etc etc.


i have been depending too much on my family and friends that i realise i have been so serious with them, causing me to missing them so much when i'm in kl.

so, i try to spend more time with them whenever i'm back in muar. i learn that i can hardly do any revision with them around me and the time that i can spend with my books is when they are all asleep.

went to tanjung after meeting tina, fat fat and chai ling. can't find any nice place which is suitable for a girls' talk and we ended up hanging around in wetex parade.

fat fat and tina on the swings.

kath and faf fat on the swings.

kath at tanjung.
fat fat at tanjung.
tina at tanjung.

i was telling them that i heart this place and it's a heaven. i used to dream of marrying the guy i love the most there. lol. USED TO, ok?

i think i got a nice pic, of the sky at tanjung.

oh yes oh yes. i need to show something off! i cooked my daddy his lunch. lol. a simple one.
went to godma's house again in the evening to bring that little baby for dinner.
everyone loves the baby!


went to malacca with fat fat and alvin.

had great food at Seoul Garden Korean BBQ Steamboat. i nearly burst due to overloading of food. i like everything about the BBQ except the time when the oil spilt all around. it's painful when the lovely oil kisses your skin. i mean it! it's PAINFUL! that's one of the reasons i seldom cook.

found mahkota quite a sad place to shop, nothing much interested me and dataran pahlawan is the place where fun began. shop all the way from dataran pahlawan to carrefour~

oh yes oh yes! i got my jersey! at last! a jersey!!!!! it's gorgeous!

we had great fun and fat fat couldn't stop telling me how happy she was. guess why. she got adhesive gemstone to zhng her stuff. girls go crazy over bling stuff. xD thanks to alvin's sharp eyes, if not we would never discover the gemstone. =)

we were busy with our ais kacang at seoul garden. fat fat made the nicest ais kacang, alvin's ais kacang is purely gula malacca with ice, and mine..er..paling cacat. sad.

fat fat and i bought the same design of watch. mine is spoilt at 3.30 and the screw at the side was gone at dunno-when. know why i hate wearing watch? i always spoile it within a week.

from left: alvin, fat fat and kath.

fat fat and kath. buddies forever!

french manicure. look good from far, but when it's near, erm..no comment. someone needs to improve someone's skill on applying nail varnish. *ahem ahem*

Tuesday. i try not to miss any breakfast with my family. had my breakfast with kai yong yong and mummy at pizza hut.

[picture removed]

hohoho! i managed to grab a picture of my little brother. he's always very reluctant to take pictures.
went to malacca AGAIN with my mummy to renew my passport in the afternoon.

it's raining and the rain's causing traffic traffic jam, well, we're lucky as it's not as bad as it's in kl.

had a long chat with my mummy everything and anything while waiting for my passport to be done. it took us approximately 3 hours to get my brand new passport.

something embarrassing happened! you know what, to get your passport, you need to place the receipt in a basket at counter 22 and wait for the person on duty to call out your name before you obtain the passport.

i didn't know bout that and i was holding my receipt happily in my hand until a young lady (i don't know who she is, i have never seen her before and i find her quite pretty) approached and told me that i should place the receipt in the basket and not holding it. OK. this is not that embarrassing. after placing the receipt in the basket, i went back to my seat. later, the officer on duty called out a name, it sounds like my name, so i went to the counter again. the officer passed me a new passport and a form where i needed to sign, without looking at my face. i look at the passport and i went speechless. something's wrong with my hearing!

it's a Malay girl's passport with the name Khorana bt. Karim.

sweat sweat sweat! those uncles and aunties standing beside me were looking at me as if i just underwent a plastic surgery. PLS la! I DO LOOK LIKE A CHINESE! don't tell me i don't!

i passed the passport back to the officer and went back to my seat, burried my face in my mum's shoulder. sigh. really embarrassing. luckily i will not need to visit there in 5 years time.

had my dinner with mummy at mahkota parade's food court. i love the chicken rice there! it's EXOTIC! my favorite food.

bought lots of junk food to pamper myself (again).

I'm so going to gain weight.

going to johor bahru tomorrow and will be staying at vonne's house for a night. can't wait!
needa pack my bags and ready to have great fun at johor bahru for 2 days and a night.
vonne, prepare your red carpet~

have been enjoying myself too much, have been pampering myself too much, holidays are meant to be exquisite!
play all the way till this week ends~
conclusion: i need more than 24 hours per day during holidays.



yi ying said...

haha kath , i love all ur posts !! seoul garden is reli a very very nice place ^^ and ... u got ur passport !! i'm happy for u =)

katherine said...

hehe..thanks ah ying~
i guess my friend was right, i live to eat. lol.

yeap =)i'm so happy to get my passport! lol..it gives me the permit to travel~ wee~