Monday, April 14, 2008


i used to really hate wearing a watch, until i have to be really caution and serious about time. thanks to the practical exams. i have to plan my time properly to prevent mishap. not able to finish an experiment would be a disaster, you see.

i was looking for a watch that only last for a short while as i can't stand having the same thing on my hand for a long time. i like changes and i realized the only thing that remains unchanged in me is never-ending changes. can't stand people and things that remain the same forever. i'm restless! i get bored not just easily, but speedily.

bye bye to my baby watch.

to fat fat: i really like the watch that we bought together, but but but (i told ya, sometimes i hate saying BUT) it's spoilt and can never be repaired anymore. sobz. that's what the uncle at Kedai Jam Jit Seng told me. he even laughed at the watch as it's not original lo! very bad of him!
while i was mourning over my 'dead' watch, mummy said she would buy me a proper watch and that's how i got my new watch. *grin* i heart my new watch. i will try my best not to get sick of it and stay faithful towards this gorgeous watch as long as it's 'alive'.

coming up next~ my pendrive!

after 2 days of effort, i'm finally done with zhng-ing my pendrive! muahaha! ecstatic about that!!bling bling bling! i'm so happy for my pendrive!!! i'm now figuring what to zhng next. *playing with my fingers* aha! not going to my laptop and handphone, maybe my external hardisk, maybe.

katherine was cheery yesterday, for one reason.
Henry said that my new pair of pink roxy sandals is CUTE. muahaha. thanks henry! that's very sweet of you.
deng deng~ meet the pink sandal! it's very comfy! love that~

oh yes! special thanks to alvin!
thank you very very much for helping me with my mathematics. i got an 'A' by the way. lol. thanks a lot!

the weather is freaking warm and it makes me feel like staying at home for the whole day!
pls rain!! pls pls pls!

that's all. cheerio~

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