Wednesday, November 5, 2008

science makes the cat i-n-s-a-n-e.

was so bored in the library before physics paper 5 and i started asking stupid question.
i got a book in my hand and the cover has the picture shown above.
here goes the question: what are those thing?

vonne: ice?
ying: crystaline-structure-and-i-don't-know-what salt.
shan: rock?
teeni: sugar?
me: salt~

what a difference point of views between future-doctors-to-be, future-lawyer-to-be and future-pharmacologist-to-be. like ying's answer the best, simple because she has the longest answer. shan's is the coolest. imagine blue rocks. *wouldn't it be super cool~*

currently having my brain saturated with principles and laws of the great physics.
*doing chicken dance*
life is oh-so-good!
... *i got myself speechless*



yvonne* said...

well it does look like ice wwhhaattt.
i'm so not cut out to be a

katherine said...

ok dear~ it does look A LITTLE BIT, VERY LITTLE BIT like ice.

i m sooooo not gonna be a scientist.